Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Baños Is Still The Number One Tourist Destination In Ecuador.

I now live in Salasaca and have for several years; However I still visit Baños often and I will try to bring you up to date as to what is going on there.

If you are anywhere near Baños on New Years Eve, you can't find a better place to "burn" in the new year. The tradition of burning in effigy the old at the stroke of 12 is still as popular as ever.

If you are wearing a custom of any type still gives you the right to beg from those who don't. It is great fun to walk the streets and see all of the displays which will be heaped on the fires that will create a cloud of smoke which will cover the whole city. For one night a year....Join the polluters.


  1. Very interesting! thanks!

  2. Un blog foarte interesant, dinamic si atractiv, felicitarile mele realizatorilor acestui blog !!! Ma gasiti la adresa http://www.articolepractic.blogspot.com/ daca sunteti interesati de activitatea mea !!!
