Monday, January 01, 2007

Looking Forward To 2007

I love the first of anything and the first day of the new year is no exception. It is a beautiful day here in Ambato and I plan to enjoy it.

As I reflect briefly on 2006, it seems that the year passed like a hurricane in the night, but when I think about all of the things that happened, both good and bad, happy and sad....I wonder how could all of those things have taken place in those 12 short months. All in was a wonderful year full of surprises and I am glad that I had a chance to live it.

I do want to thank all of you who have visited this blog, and a special thanks to those who have donated to any of my projects. Your generosity has been accepted by everyone, in the manner given.... “con coriño”. Join me, as we rush head-long into 2007, with all of its unknowns....that is what makes life the adventure that is worth taking. At the risk of repeating a favorite poem, I invite you to join me. ”Come to the edge”, Life says. “I can´t, I am afraid”. “Come to the edge”, Life says. “I can´t, I am afraid”. “Come to the edge”, Life says. I went. Life pushed and I flew.

Feliz año nuevo.

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