Friday, November 26, 2004

There is going to be a party...Dec 9th through the16th.

It is a beautiful warm spring morning here in Baños de Agua Santa. The city is getting ready for the big birthday party that starts on the 9th of December, when at 5 AM there will be an “Albazo” in the streets of Baños. There will be music moving along all the streets announcing the beginning of the fiesta. For the next eight days there will be fireworks off the San Francisco Bridge, coronation of the queen, all sorts of contests, dancing in the parks, great music and a whole lot I am told. It all culminates on the night of the 16th with the “Notche de Luces” and a dance at the Palamino Florez Parrk,.in front of the city hall. I can’t think of a better time to visit Baños.


  1. Very beautiful pictures, I enjoy looking at it.
    Please, when you have a new post, don`t forget to do a ping to so we can check its updated, i really enjoy reading this page.

  2. Anonymous4:44 PM

    Hola Bob
    This is Lolita & Luis from San Diego Ca, we love the pictures, the place look like a paradise, good luck with your project, we will see you sometime on summer si dios quiere!
