Sunday, July 01, 2007

Ian's Thoughts

I have to say that my expierience here in Salasaca has been more than normal, infact it has been extraterrestrial. I mean that in a good sense. The people are inviting and loving. I believe that there reaction to my being here is positive in part to my activities at Katitawa school. I am not sure wether my life style and interations with the teachers and students at Katitawa have made me smell better, or if the fact that I am living a good life has caused such a positive response from each and every person I come in contact with. I lean towards the idea that the children I am teaching are teaching me. I hope that the impact these kids are having on my life is reflective. It has been almost a month and I am torn with the decision of leaving. On the one hand I miss my family and friends and have a long way to go before I make it back to Texas by land. On the other hand, I feel that leaving here will be like leaving new family and friends that I have only just begun to know. When I arrived the openess and acceptance of all the people was shocking. Usually there is some barrierors to break through before people let you in, here there are no walls, instead the farmers of this community separate their plots of land by useing large agaves. This is one metaphor that explains alot about the society here. I am a teacher here in Salasaca, but more than that I have become a friend. For all of those reading this, it would do you good to visit, even for just a day.
Ian Chambers

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